Thomas Merton Center

Merton Correspondence:

The "Carinci, Alfonso, Archbishop, 1862-1963" file

Single Item Record for the Date:
1954/November/01 (#02)


Type:  transcript - Transcript copy of a letter, i.e., re-typed or re-written after orignal and often by another person. Often typed version of a holograph orignal.

To/From:  to Fox, James from "Carinci, Alfonso, Archbishop, 1862-1963"-->

# of pages:  5

Published in:  

First Lines:  "This day, on which we send you this present letter, is particularly solemn and significant."

Contents:  [accession dated December 2013 - for original see Sub-Section E.1, "Perpetual Adoration.." file - translation by Merton of a letter from N.T. Cardinal Gilroy, Archbishop of Sydney, and from Alfonso Carinci, Titular Archbishop of Seleucia, to Dom James Fox]

Language:  English

Source or donor:  Gethsemani Abbey Archives

Date received:  2013/12/01

Date added:  2014

Unique identifier:  Section A- "Carinci, Alfonso, Archbishop, 1862-1963:"    1954/November/01 (#02)