The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

List of Quotes by Letter Recipient

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  Jacques Maritain  

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Date [Source / Page]Author QuotedTitle QuotedQuotation by Merton
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[Ltrs: CforT p. 24]
F.D. Joret o.p.Dominican Life But in any case, what amused me was that the Father who wrote the article asserted that "the degree of union w..
[Ltrs: CforT p. 25]
Jean-Baptiste PorionSainte Trinite et la Vie Intereure Dom Porion sent me his delightful book on the Holy Trinity and the interior life, and on every page I found ec..
[Ltrs: CforT p. 28]
Jacques MaritainLiturgie et contemplation / par Jacques et Raïssa Maritain ; pref. de Charles Journet Many thanks for your valuable little book on Liturgy and Contemplation [Liturgie et contemplation, coauthored ..
[Ltrs: CforT p. 33]
Raïssa MaritainJournal de Raïssa I am overwhelmed by Raissa's Journal. How to put it? You must know better than I do. This document is like the..
[Ltrs: CforT p. 36]
Raïssa MaritainChagall: Ou l'orage enchantre "¦ Thanks especially for Chagall. This is a wonderful book to have. It is a whole world in itself, full of joy..
[Ltrs: CforT p. 37]
Raïssa MaritainNotes sur le Pater Did I ever tell you how much I liked Raïssa's Notes sur le Pater? It is a really precious book, a perfect comm..
[Ltrs: CforT p. 41]
Zoe OldenbourgMassacre at Monsegur: A History of the Albigensian Crusade I have been thinking of Toulouse, as I have come across some rather interesting books about the Albigensians (..
[Ltrs: CforT p. 44-45]
Jacques MaritainMoral Philosophy It was very good of you to ask Scribner's to send me your great newly translated book on Moral Philosophy. Act..
[Ltrs: CforT p. 45]
Louis MassignonOpera Minora I have also been reading the big volumes of Louis Massignon's Opera Minora, so much more "majora" than most o..
[Ltrs: CforT p. 45]
Jacques MaritainCarnet de notes / Jacques Maritain It has been a terribly long time since I have written to you or heard from you, and I am not sure whether or n..
[Ltrs: CforT p. 46]
Jacques MaritainCarnet de notes / Jacques Maritain I have been reading your Carnets [de notes] "¦ Everything you say is quite true & even prophetic. Our mania fo..
[Ltrs: CforT p. 48]
Francois Rene ChateaubriandVie de Rance I am reading Chateaubriand's Vie de Rance for the first time. It is an extraordinary piece of writing, constan..
[Ltrs: CforT p. 51]
Jean CocteauEnfants Terribles Ed Rice asked me to write an article on Fr. Pascal Bourgoint for Jubilee. I said I might be able to do this la..

Abbreviations ▲ Source of Merton's Quotation and Citation
Ltrs: CforT The Courage for Truth: Letters of Thomas Merton to Writers.
Ltrs: Giroux Letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton.
Ltrs: Hammer The Letters of Merton and Victor and Carolyn Hammer.
Ltrs: HGL The Hidden Ground of Love.
Ltrs: Laughlin Thomas Merton and James Laughlin: Selected Letters.
Ltrs: Leclercq Survival or Prophecy? The Letters of Merton and Jean Leclercq.
Ltrs: RtoJ The Road to Joy: Letters to New and Old Friends.
Ltrs: Ruether Letters of Merton and Rosemary Radford Ruether.
Ltrs: SofC The School of Charity. Letters on Religious Renewal.
Ltrs: WtoF Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Merton in Times of Crisis.