International Thomas Merton Society

Bellarmine University

The Merton Seasonal -

Volume 26, 2001

The Spring 2001 issue, Vol. 26, No.1 included:

  • Kelly, Jack. "Robert Lax - Coming Home." 3-7.

  • Lax, Robert. "Peace Poetry." [poem] 7-11.

  • Biddle, Arthur W. "The Friendship of Robert Lax and Thomas Merton." 12-13.

  • Packard, William. "Poem for Bob Lax." [poem] 14.

  • Higgins, Michael W. "Writing for Writing's Sake: An Interview with Paul Spaeth." 15-19.

  • Eliou, Niko. "Four Poems for Robert Lax." [poem] 20.

  • Beer, John. "Likes and Motorbikes." 21.

  • Cornell, Tom. "A Winter with Bob Lax." 21-22.

  • Emery, Judith. "An Extraordinary Consistency." 22-23.

  • Harford, Jennifer. "Learning to Re-Lax." 24-25.

  • Hart, Patrick, OCSO. "First and Lasting Impressions." 25-26.

  • Knight, Jim. "In Good Company." 26-27.

  • Kostelanetz, Richard. "Writing a Spiritual Life." 27-29.

  • McGregor, Michael. "After the Circus Goes By." 29-30.

  • Mott, Michael. "Meetings and Messages." 30-31.

  • Nienkirchen, Charles. "Visiting a Desert Father." 31-32.

  • Davis, Jim. "Lax in Stuttgart." [poem] 32-36.

  • Georgiou, S. T. "Reading Lax: A Brief Overview of Literature By and About Robert Lax." 37-39.

  • Harford, James. "Matchless Friendship, Matchless Candor." Rev. of When Prophecy Still Had a Voice: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Robert Lax edited by Arthur W. Biddle. 40-43.

  • Doriot, Jeanne, SP. "Journals Beget Journals." Rev. of Patmos Journal: In Search of Thomas Merton with Robert Lax by Patrick Hart, OCSO and Israel Journal: A Trappist Pilgrim in the Holy Land by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 44-45.


The Summer 2001 issue, Vol. 26, No.2 included:

  • Merton, Thomas. “Guide to Blake: An Uncollected Early Review.” 3.

  • Collins, Roger. “Fronting up to the American Public: Owen Merton’s Exhibitions in the United States.” 4-12.

  • Spencer, Thomas T. “‘Tom’s Guardian Angels’: Merton's Franciscan Mentors.” 17-22.

  • McDonnell, Chris. “Two Poems from ‘Pieces of a Broken Jar’.” [poem] 23-24.

  • Phillips, Paschal, OCSO. “Merton as Forester - The Results.” 25-26.

  • Finley, James. “Emptiness as Fulfillment.” Rev. of Journeys into Emptiness: Dogen, Merton, Jung and the Quest for Transformation by Robert Jingen Gunn. 27-30.

  • Adams, Daniel J. “The Man in the Machine.” Rev. of The Merton Annual 13 (2000). 31-34.

  • Fogarty, Thomas. “Report from the Guesthouse.” Rev. of Making a Heart for God: A Week Inside a Catholic Monastery by Dianne Aprile. 35-36.


The Fall 2001 issue, Vol. 26, No.3 included:

  • Bochen, Christine M. “‘Mercy within Mercy within Mercy’: Presidential Address – ITMS Seventh General Meeting June 7, 2001.” 3-8.

  • Webster, Ronald. “Airflight.” [poem] 9.

  • O’Hare, Padraic. “Merton and Masterpiece Making.” 10-17.

  • Cooper, Jeffrey. “Adam’s Stranger Panic.” 18.

  • King, John E. “A Small Window on a Complex Life: Notes of Thomas Merton to Marice Gaither.” 19-23.

  • Power-Shickler, Jon. “‘Let Me be Quite Succinct’: A Concise Merton Anthology.” Rev. of Thomas Merton: Essential Writings selected with an introduction by Christine M. Bochen. 24-26.

  • Koch, William. “Remastering a Master.” Rev. of Thomas Merton Tapes: “Irish Mysticism”; “De Conversione” (two tapes); “Chinese Thought and the Chinese Symbol of Chung”; “The Jesus Prayer”. 27-28.

  • Stoodley, Barbara Cliff. “Graceful Explorations.” Rev. of Circling to the Center: One Woman’s Encounter with Silent Prayer by Susan M. Tiberghien. 29-31.


The Winter 2001 issue, Vol. 26, No.4 included:

  • Bear, Virginia. “Pilgrimage to Prades.” 3-7.

  • Garrison, Peggy. “Two Poems after Robert Lax.” [poem] 8.

  • Harford, James. “Ed Rice: A Remembrance.” 9-13.

  • Correa-Díaz, Luis. “Bilingual Poem for Merton.” The Merton Seasonal 26.4 (Winter 2001): 14.

  • Belcastro, David Joseph. “The Ascent to Truth: A Fifty-Year Retrospective.” 15-21.

  • Sunderman, Marilyn, RSM. “Artful Prayer/Prayerful Art.” Rev. of Dialogues with Silence: Prayers and Drawings by Thomas Merton, edited by Jonathan Montaldo. 23-24.

  • Thurston, Bonnie. “Listening Deeply, Living Deeply.” Rev. of Thomas Merton and Thich Nhat Hanh: Engaged Spirituality in an Age of Globalization by Robert H. King. 25-27.

  • Russo, Tony. “A Compelling, Fearless, Outrageous Voice.” Rev. of Gethsemani Homilies by Matthew Kelty, OCSO. 28-30.

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