International Thomas Merton Society

Bellarmine University

The Merton Seasonal -

Volume 20, 1995

The Winter 1995 issue, Vol. 20, No.1 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "'Playing Before God': Wisdom, Freedom, and Thomas Merton." 3.
  • Merton, Thomas. "Hagia Sophia: An Excerpt." 4.
  • Thurston, Bonnie B. "'The Tradition of Wisdom and Spirit': Wisdom in Thomas Merton's Mature Thought." 5-8.
  • Ledbetter, J. T. "Epiphany: A Prose Poem." [poem] 9.
  • Short, Brent. "The Hidden Paradise: Thomas Merton and the Wisdom of Genesis." 10-14.
  • Getty, Richard E. "The Abbot: A Poem." [poem] 15.
  • Shannon, William H. "'New Horizons for an Old Journey': No Man is an Island, A Review Forty Years Later." 16-18.
  • Welsh, Francis J. "January 1995: Merton at Eighty: A Poem." [poem] 19.
  • Lewis, Gloria Kitto. "Defending One's Freedom." Rev. of Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of Crisis edited by William H. Shannon. 20-22.
  • Guyton, Patrick F. "A Witness to Truth."Rev. of Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of Crisis edited by William H. Shannon. 23-25.

The Spring 1995 issue, Vol. 20, No.2 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Merton, The Movies, and 'The Image'." 3.
  • Daggy, Robert E. "Thomas Merton and the Quiz Show Scandal: 'America's Loss of Innocence?'" 4-11.
  • Cooper, John Charles. "Three Poems for Thomas Merton." [poem] 12-14.
  • Steinmacher, Michael. "Anthony Padovano's Image of Thomas Merton." 15-17.
  • "Plays About Thomas Merton." 18.
  • Guli, Francesca. "April Month for Merton." [poem] 19.
  • Quenon, Paul, OCSO. "Merton on Video." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Monk, Man and Mystic a Spiritual Concert by Patrick Collins. 20.
  • Cunningham, Lawrence S. "An Impeccable Visionary." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Hermana America edited by Miguel Grinberg. 21.
  • Weis, Monica, SSJ. "Monks and Coyotes Sing." Rev. of Dakota: A Spiritual Geography by Kathleen Norris. 22-23.
  • Hempstead, S. Christian. "The Traveling of Clarity." Rev. of Gethsemani Poems by J. T. Ledbetter. 24-25.

The Summer 1995 issue, Vol. 20, No.3 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "After Bonaventure: Keeping Peace in Our Hearts." 3.
  • Connor, James, OCSO. "A Prophet for the 21st Century." 4-8.
  • Hogan, Christine Jensen. "St. Bonaventure's: A Poem." [poem] 9.
  • Del Prete, Thomas. "Merton at Bonaventure: Some Student Recollections." 10-12.
  • Mayer, Elsie F. "Rethinking Hiroshima with Thomas Merton: (Variations on Original Child Bomb)." [poem] 13.
  • Adams, Daniel J. "Thich Nhat Hanh Then and Now." 14-15.
  • Garrigan, Gerard, OSB. "Two Poems." [poem] 16.
  • Mathis, Richard S. "Merton's Dilemma: The Search for Meaning in Modern Times." 17.
  • Weber, Richard, OCSO. "Recontacting Merton's Passion." Rev. of Passion for Peace: The Social Essays by Thomas Merton, edited by William H. Shannon. 18-19.
  • Ruttle, Paul, CP. "Reading Someone Else's Mail." Rev. of At Home in the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Rosemary Radford Ruether edited by Mary Tardiff, OP. 20-21.
  • Montaldo, Jonathan. "Turning the Other Cheek." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 7 edited by Victor A. Kramer. 22-23.
  • Paguio, Erlinda G. "Becoming Butterflies." Rev. of Why Not Be a Mystic? by Frank Tuoti. 24-25.

The Autumn 1995 issue, Vol. 20, No.4 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: First of the Last?: The Publication of Thomas Merton's 'Personal Journals' and the Death of a Friend." 3.
  • Merton, Thomas. "Run to the Mountain: Four More Journal Entries." Editor's Note by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 4-8.
  • "Run to the Mountain: A Review Symposium."
    • Biddle, Arthur W. "Rehearsing Style and Theme." 9-11.
    • Kelly, Jack. "Giving Up Everything." 11-12.
    • Spaeth, Paul J. "Dealing with Texts." 13-15.
  • Van Groll, Pierre D. "Elderhostel 1995: A Week with Thomas Merton." [poem] 16.
  • Ryan, Gregory J. "Death of a 'Mertoniac': An Appreciation of W. H. 'Ping' Ferry." 17-23.
  • McDonnell, Chris. "Hour of Solitude: A Poem." [poem] 24.
  • Young, Gary, CR. "Beautiful Gardens, Shimmering Pools." Rev. of Thoughts on the East by Thomas Merton and Thomas Merton and Chinese Wisdom by Cyrus Lee. 25-26.
  • Pearson, Paul M. "Enthusiasm for Merton, Bonhoeffer and Hillesum." Rev. of Dark Night Spirituality by Peter C. King. 27.
With Volume 21:1 of The Merton Seasonal a new series of numbering began to enable the Seasonal to be published in its designated season and to bring the publication into line with the numbering of other periodicals and journals. So, there was NO Winter issue, 21:1's issue is Spring 1996.
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