International Thomas Merton Society

Bellarmine University

The Merton Seasonal -

Volume 18, 1993

The Winter 1993 issue, Vol. 18, No.1 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Is Thomas Merton Au Courant?: A Reflection." 2-3.

  • "Aubades: Lake Erie (1942 and 1992)."

    • Merton, Thomas. "Aubade: Lake Erie." [poem] 4.

    • Cronley, Tim."Aubade: Lake Erie - Fifty Years Later." [poem] 5.

  • Merton, Thomas. "My Lord God - Bwana Munga Wangu." 6.

  • Cash, Malcolm. "Two Poems." [poem] 7.

  • Baciu, Stefan. "Two Merton Poems." [poem] 8-9.

  • O'Connell, Patrick F. "Grief Transfigured: Merton's Elegy on His Brother." 10-15.

  • Hempstead, Sheila M. "Emblems of Birds: Birds as a Symbol of Grace in Three Poems of Thomas Merton." 16-24.

  • Waldron, Robert G. "Merton's Bells: A Clarion Call to Wholeness." 25-28.

  • Pearson, Paul M. "Another Merton Journey." Rev. of A Seven Day Journey with Thomas Merton by Esther de Waal. 29.


The Spring 1993 issue, Vol. 18, No.2 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Merton: Christ and the Desert." 2-3.

  • Merton, Thomas. "In God's Desert." 4-6.

  • McInvale, Alden. "Dark Path: For Thomas Merton." [poem] 7.

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Thomas Merton: The Desert Call." 8-15.

  • Roccaforte, Linell. "When the Icons are Irate." [poem] 16.

  • Albert, John, OCSO. "Merton and Christ: Demonstrating the Medieval Speculum." 17-20.

  • Albert, John, OCSO. "'Amor Ipse Intellectus Est': A Speculum in Verse." 21-22.

  • Porter, M. John-Baptist, OCSO. "Exploring a Desert Area of the Heart." Rev. of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ by George Kilcourse. 23-26.

  • Hogan, Christine Jensen. "Did You Smile?" [poem] 26.


The Summer-Autumn 1993 issue, Vol. 18, No.3 & 4 included:

  • Bonazzi, Robert. "Reflections on a Portrait of Thomas Merton." 2-3.

  • Eastman, Patrick. "'Already One, Becoming What We Are' - The Way to Go." 4-5.

  • Thurston, Bonnie B. "'The Heresy of Individualism'." 6-9.

  • Beltran Llavador, Fernando. "Thomas Merton: Prayer as Breath, Or the Beyond Within Solitude and Society." 10-11.

  • van der Laar, Sister Henrilena."After Twenty-Five Years." 12-14.

  • Seitz, Ron. "The Death of Thomas Merton: A Haiku Homage." [poem] 15.

  • Smeyers, Sister Bernadette M. "Thomas Merton and Bangkok: A Few Reminiscences 8 - 15 December 1968." 16-17.

  • Parsley, Jamie. "Gethsemani Burial Ground." [poem] 18.

  • Ryan, Gregory J. "Thomas Merton on Death: Our Life-Long Journey." 19-24.

  • Mack, Anna Marie, SSJ. "Homage to Merton: An Anniversary Prayer." [poem] 25.

  • Hart, Patrick, OCSO. "The Journals of Thomas Merton: A Preview." 26-27.

  • Tuoti, Frank X. "The Gift of Thomas Merton Remembered: On the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of His Passing." 28-29.

  • Shepherd, Robert Marshall. "A Book Worth Knowing." Rev. of Song for Nobody: A Memory Vision of Thomas Merton by Ron Seitz. 30-32.

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