International Thomas Merton Society

Bellarmine University

The Merton Seasonal -

Volume 17, 1992

The Winter 1992 issue, Vol. 17, No.1 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Merton and the Feminine (Again!) (With Asides About General Meetings and Polish Poets." 2-3.

  • Thurston, Bonnie B. "'I Never Had A Sister': Merton's Friendships with Women." 4-8.

  • Nugent, Robert, SDS. "Thomas Merton and Sexual Wholeness." 9-15.

  • Koch, Bill. "The Love Poems of Thomas Merton: On Being a Hermit in Love." 16-19.

  • "Two Poems Occasioned by ITMS General Meetings."

    • Kiernan, Jeffrey T. "Twin." [poem] 20.

    • Pearson, Pauline. "The Cult of Thomas Merton." [poem] 21.

  • Tuoti, Frank X. "Merton for Beginners." Rev. of Living with Wisdom: A Life of Thomas Merton by Jim Forest. 22-23.

  • Tobin, Mary Luke, SL. "Awareness for Searchers." Rev. of Silence on Fire: The Prayer of Awareness" by William H. Shannon. 24-25.


The Spring 1992 issue, Vol. 17, No.2 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Merton the Writer (With Some Animadversions by the Writer Himself)." 2-3.

  • Altany, Alan. "Thomas Merton: Poet of the Sacred." 4-7.

  • Murray, Mary. "Aristotle Meets the Spiritual Classics: The Rhetoric of Thomas Merton." 8-12.

  • Porter, J. S. "Thomas Merton and Wendell Berry: A Brief Study in Tone." 12-15.

  • "Two Poems Prompted by Merton's Writings."

    • Webster, Ronald. "The Swimming Teacher." [poem] 16.

    • McDonnell, Chris. "Night." [poem] 17.

  • Simmons, Carl. "Two Vocations." Rev. of Thomas Merton as Writer and Monk: A Cultural Study, 1915-1951 by Peter Kountz. 18-19.

  • Seitz, Ron. "Three Poems." [poem] 20-21.

  • Kocka, David. "Poetic Anguish." Rev. of The Mechanic of Tears by Ron Seitz. 22-28.


The Summer 1992 issue, Vol. 17, No.3 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Turning on the 'Lamp': More Glimpses of the Life of Thomas Merton." 2-3

  • Shannon, William H. "An Unusual Discovery in a Second-Hand Bookstore in England." 4-6.

  • Del Prete, Thomas. "To Merton and Chuang Tzu." [poem] 7.

  • Carr, Anne. "Lighting the Way." Rev. of Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story by William H. Shannon. 8-10.

  • Montaldo, Jonathan. "Reflecting the Light."Rev. of Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story by William H. Shannon. 10-14.

  • Loydell, Rupert M. "Withdrawl (for Thomas Merton)." [poem] 15.

  • Pearson, Paul M. "Saint Anne's, Soho: A Photo Essay." 16-17.

  • Voiles, Kenneth M. "Prades: A Photo Essay." 18-22.

  • Weber, Richard, OCSO. "The Springs of Contemplation." Rev. of Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani edited by Jane Marie Richardson, SL. 23-24.


The Autumn 1992 issue, Vol. 17, No.4 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Water, Woods and Walnuts: Traveling (with Merton in Tow) in the Beauty of the Natural World." 2-3.

  • Weis, Monica, SSJ. "Living Beings Call Us to Reflective Living: Mary Austin, Thomas Merton and Contemporary Nature Writers." 4-9.

  • Mayer, Elsie F. "Haiku From Gethsemani Abbey." [poem] 9.

  • Corrigan, Gregory M. "Thinking of Louie: My Personal Reflections of Thomas Merton, A Man I Never Met." 10-12.

  • Gordy, Rose. "Two Haiku for Louie." [poem] 12.

  • Judge, Maria S. "A Merton Journey." 13-19.

  • Ledbetter, J. T. "Seasons (For Gethsemani)." [poem] 20-21.

  • Shannon, William H. "A Valuable Book." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Spiritual Master - The Essential Writings edited by Lawrence S. Cunningham. 22-24.

  • Machar, Jerome, OCSO. "A Revised Journey." Rev. of The Monastic Journey edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 24-25.

  • Voiles, Kenneth M. "Prelude of Mysticism." Rev. of Merton: Mystic at the Center of America by Thomas M. King, SJ. 25-28.

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