The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

List of Quotes by Letter Recipient

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Date [Source / Page]Author QuotedTitle QuotedQuotation by Merton
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[Jnl 1 ('39-'41) p. 454-55]
Aldous HuxleyEnds and Means I spent maybe the whole afternoon writing a letter to Aldous Huxley and when I was finished I thought "who am ..
[Jnl 1 ('39-'41) p. 455]
Etienne GilsonSpirit of Medieval Philosophy I spent maybe the whole afternoon writing a letter to Aldous Huxley and when I was finished I thought "who am ..
[Jnl 1 ('39-'41) p. 455]
Evelyn UnderhillMysticism. Study in Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness I spent maybe the whole afternoon writing a letter to Aldous Huxley and when I was finished I thought "who am ..
[Jnl 1 ('39-'41) p. 455]
G.F. LaheyGerard Manley Hopkins I spent maybe the whole afternoon writing a letter to Aldous Huxley and when I was finished I thought "who am ..
[Jnl 1 ('39-'41) p. 455]
Jacques MaritainArt and Scholasticism I spent maybe the whole afternoon writing a letter to Aldous Huxley and when I was finished I thought "who am ..
[Jnl 1 ('39-'41) p. 455]
James JoycePortrait of the Artist as a Young Man I spent maybe the whole afternoon writing a letter to Aldous Huxley and when I was finished I thought "who am ..
[Jnl 1 ('39-'41) p. 455]
Leon WiegerBouddhisme chinois I was reading about Hopkins' conversion when I dropped the book and rushed out of the house and went to see Fr..
[Jnl 1 ('39-'41) p. 456]
Lewis MumfordCulture of Cities Or do I want to go to Gethsemani because it is a perfect society, even in the natural order? Is it because las..