The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

List of Quotes by Letter Recipient

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  A.M. Allchin  

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Date [Source / Page]Author QuotedTitle QuotedQuotation by Merton
[link to full quote]
[Ltrs: HGL p. 25]
Henry VaughanFlores solitudinis Vaughan I hav"”one of my favorites. I once thought of bringing out an edition of his translation of Eucherius'..
[Ltrs: HGL p. 25]
Augustine BakerInner Life and the Writings of Dame Gertrude More / dom Benedict Weld-Blundell, ed. I have been reading Dame Gertrude More. Will send you a thing about her and also some other mimeographed bookl..
[Ltrs: HGL p. 26]
Charles James StranksAnglican Devotion Meanwhile I have been getting on with other Anglican reading. Thornton on English Spirituality was of course a..
[Ltrs: HGL p. 26]
E.L. Mascall (ed.)Blessed Virgin Mary: Essays by Anglicans / co-editor: H.S. Box Have I yet thanked you for the remarkable little book of essays on the Blessed Virgin [The Blessed Virgin Mary..
[Ltrs: HGL p. 26]
Henry Robert McAdooStructure of Caroline Moral Theology Meanwhile I have been getting on with other Anglican reading. Thornton on English Spirituality was of course a..
[Ltrs: HGL p. 26]
Martin ThorntonEnglish Spirituality: An Outline of Ascetical Theology according to the English Pastoral Tradition Meanwhile I have been getting on with other Anglican reading. Thornton on English Spirituality was of course a..
[Ltrs: HGL p. 27]
Lancelot AndrewesPreces Privatae I "¦ have been using Andrewes Preces [Privatae] at night in the hermitage...

Abbreviations ▲ Source of Merton's Quotation and Citation
Ltrs: CforT The Courage for Truth: Letters of Thomas Merton to Writers.
Ltrs: Giroux Letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton.
Ltrs: Hammer The Letters of Merton and Victor and Carolyn Hammer.
Ltrs: HGL The Hidden Ground of Love.
Ltrs: Laughlin Thomas Merton and James Laughlin: Selected Letters.
Ltrs: Leclercq Survival or Prophecy? The Letters of Merton and Jean Leclercq.
Ltrs: RtoJ The Road to Joy: Letters to New and Old Friends.
Ltrs: Ruether Letters of Merton and Rosemary Radford Ruether.
Ltrs: SofC The School of Charity. Letters on Religious Renewal.
Ltrs: WtoF Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Merton in Times of Crisis.