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Index of Thomas Merton's Working Notebooks and Reading Notebooks

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Address Books 42 1968 
Aeschylus 13 1960-61Transcribed
Aeschylus, Age of 13 1960-61Transcribed
Allegory 14 1964Transcribed
Ambrose, Saint 58 no datePartly Trans.
American Myth 13 1960-61Transcribed
Anatole, Prayer to St. 14 1964Transcribed
Ancients, Poetry / Wisdom of 58 no datePartly Trans.
Anselm, Saint 56 no datePartly Trans.
Anthropology 28 1967 
Anti-poem I 14 1964Transcribed
Apollinaris 13 1960-61Transcribed
April 28 1967 
Arasteh, A. Reza 34 1968 
Art (Coomeraswamy) 46 1960-61 
As I Lay Dying (Faulkner) 27 1967 
Ascetics (4th Cent., N. Africa) 18 1966-67 
Asian Journal 36 1968Transcribed
Asian Journal 40 1968 
Asian Trip 39 1968 
Asrama 46 1960-61 
Audience, Problem of 14 1964Transcribed
Augustine, Saint 50 no dateTranscribed
Augustine, Saint 57 no date 
Augustinians 02 1946 
Augustinians 18 1966-67 
Baker, Augustine (O.S.B.) 47 no dateTranscribed
Barlaam? 50 no dateTranscribed
Barthes, Roland 37 1968 
Barthes, Roland 38 1968 
Bely, Andrei 61 no date 
Berdyaev, Nicolas 60 no date 
Berdyaev, Nicolas 61 no date 
Biblical Themes 24 1966-67 
Bibliographies, Spiritual 59 no date 
Birthday, Notes on 52nd 24 1966-67 
Black Militancy 28 1967 
Blake, William 43 1968? 
Blok, Alexander 61 no date 
Bly, Robert 29 1967 
Boehme, Jacob 16 1965Transcribed
Bomb, Original Child 13 1960-61Transcribed
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 16 1965Transcribed
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 34 1968 
Boone, Daniel 18 1966-67 
Bousnaya, Y.? 18 1966-67 
Brahminism 13 1960-61Transcribed
Brendan, Saint 14 1964Transcribed
Brown, Norman O. 12 1963 
Buddhism 19 1968 
Buddhism 20 1966-68 
Buddhism 22 1966 
Buddhism 24 1966-67 
Buddhism (Heinrich Zimmer) 5230-321962?Transcribed
Bulgakov, Sergei 60 no date 
Buske, K.? 27 1967 
Cables (2x) 19 1966-68 
Cables for an Ace (Cables to the Ace) 15 1965Transcribed
Calmet, Dom 58 no datePartly Trans.
Camus, Albert 25 1966-67Transcribed
Camus, Albert 28 1967 
Camus, Albert (2x) 19 1966-68 
Capitalist Economy 13 1960-61Transcribed
Cargo Notes 30 1967 
Cargo Notes 34 1968 
Cargo Notes (2x) 29 1967 
Carthage 58 no datePartly Trans.
Castle, The 28 1967 
Celtic Christianity - Monasticism 18 1966-67 
Celtic Christianity - Monasticism 24 1966-67 
Celtic Hermits 14 1964Transcribed
Chang - Tzu? 58 no datePartly Trans.
Chardin, Teilhard De 28 1967 
Chartres, School of 51 no date 
Chateaubriand, Viscount De (2x) 19 1966-68 
China 58 no datePartly Trans.
Christ and Technology 24 1966-67 
Christ in the World 24 1966-67 
Christianity, Celtic 24 1966-67 
Christianity, Western 16 1965Transcribed
Christ's Birth 49 no date 
Chrysostom, St. John 50 no dateTranscribed
Church Fathers 49 no date 
Church Fathers 50 no dateTranscribed
Church Fathers 59 no date 
Cistercian Fathers 02 1946 
Clement of Alexandria 50 no dateTranscribed
Comfort, Book of Divine 21 1966 
Community 13 1960-61Transcribed
Community 28 1967 
Community (2x) 32 1967-68 
Conflict 09 1955 
Confucius, Analects 523-5, 281962?Transcribed
Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander 13 1960-61Transcribed
Conscientious Objection 11 1963Partly Trans.
Consciousness, Human 16 1965Transcribed
Consummation, The 16 1965Transcribed
Contemplative Life 02 1946 
Contra Celsam 58 no datePartly Trans.
Coomaraswamy, A. K. (3x) 46 1960-61 
Coomaraswamy, Sayings of (2x) 46 1960-61 
Credo 46 1960-61 
Crisis of Meaning, War and the (2x) 28 1967 
Cultural Pestilence 34 1968 
Culture 19 1966-68 
Culture, Christian 50 no dateTranscribed
Cur Deus Homo 56 no datePartly Trans.
Cybernetics 18 1966-67 
Dance in Primitive Culture 19 1966-68 
Dance, Ghost 28 1967 
Dance, Ghost 34 1968 
Dance, The 13 1960-61Transcribed
De Casa Diaboli 56 no datePartly Trans.
De Lima, Jorge (3x) 46 1960-61 
De Lubac, Henri 14 1964 
Denis 50 no dateTranscribed
Dewart, Ms. 12 1963 
Dialogue on the Soul and the Passions 55 no dateTranscribed
Diary 14 1964 
Dilsey (Faulkner) 18 1966-67 
Divine Comfort, Book of 21 1966 
Ecclestical Hierarchy 50 no dateTranscribed
Eckhart, Meister 52141962?Transcribed
Eckhart, Meister (2x) 21 1966 
Economics of Peace 19 1966-68 
Ehrling, G. ? 34 1968 
Eliot, T. S. 26 1967 
Emblems of a Season of Fury (Ref.s) 51 no date 
Emblems of a Season of Fury (Ref.s) (2x) 46 1960-61 
Eodner De Benedictine ? 56 no datePartly Trans.
Erasmus, Desiderius 56 no datePartly Trans.
Esenin, Sergei 61 no date 
Essay Lists 20 1966-68 
Etruscans 58 no datePartly Trans.
Eucherius, St. 57 no date 
Eudin? 34 1968 
Euripides 13 1960-60Transcribed
Evdokimov, Paul 60 no date 
Evil, Theory of 14 1964 
Evolution: Notes and Thoughts 24 1966-67 
Exercise of St. Gertrude 32 1967-68 
Existence and the World of Freedom 16 1965Transcribed
Existential Psychoanalysis 11 1963Partly Trans.
Exodus 14 1964 
Faith and Intelligence 16 1965Transcribed
Fanon, Frantz 37 1968 
Farreault? 32 1967-68 
Fathers of the Church 02 1946? 
Fathers of the Church 49 no date 
Fathers of the Church 50 no dateTranscribed
Fathers of the Church FILEBOX no date 
Fathers, Cistercian 02 1946? 
Faulkner, William 19 1966-68 
Faulkner, William (3x) 27 1967 
Faulkner, William (4x) 25 1966-67Transcribed
Faulkner, William (5x) 26 1967 
Ferré, Nels F. S., The Christian Faith (1942) 5245-471962?Transcribed
Ferreal ?,st. 58 no datePartly Trans.
Festivity, Theory of 16 1965Transcribed
Fette ? (Crit. of) 13 1960-61Transcribed
Florovsky, G. V. 60 no date 
Flos Sanctorum 46 1960-61 
Folie 32 1967-68 
Foucault, Michel 38 1968 
Fox Exhibit of Drawings 14 1964Transcribed
Free of Life 14 1964 
Freedom, World of 16 1965Transcribed
French Language (2x) 19 1966-68 
Freud, S. 09 1955 
Friends of God 21 1966 
Fromm, Erich 31 1967 
Gandhi, M. 09 1955 
Gandhi, M. 11 1963Partly Trans.
Garoditsky (?) 50 no dateTranscribed
Gaul:primitive Monasticism 57 no date 
Georgian Poets 27 1967 
German Monasticism 29 1967 
Geuart, J.(?) 29 1967 
Ghost Dance 28 1967 
Ghost Dance 34 1968 
God and Man in Psalms 11 1963Partly Trans.
Goldberg ? 37 1968 
Govinda, Lama Anagarika 22 1966 
Goya 43 1968? 
Grace, Notes On 58 no datePartly Trans.
Greece, Ancient 56 no datePartly Trans.
Greek Thought 24 1966-67 
Greek Tragedy (2x) 13 1960-61Transcribed
Gregory of Nyssa, St. 50 no dateTranscribed
Gregory Palamas, Saint, 1296-1359 52381962?Transcribed
Gregory Palamas? 50 no dateTranscribed
Guardini, Romano 32 1967-68 
Guilt 16 1965Transcribed
Hasidism 56 no datePartly Trans.
Hebrew 24 1967 
Hermits 53 no date 
Hermits 54 no date 
Hermits, Celtic 14 1964 
Hermits, Prayer of 24 1966-67 
Hernandez, M. 25 1966-67Transcribed
Heroism, Spartan Ideal of 13 1960-61Transcribed
Heschel, Abraham 52231962?Transcribed
Hesychasm (2x) 32 1967-68 
Honoratus, St. 57 no date 
Horgh ? 34 1968 
Huineng, 638-713 52441962?Transcribed
Humiliated Christ in Russian Thought 50 no dateTranscribed
I Always Obey My Nurse 21 1966 
I Ching 52291962?Transcribed
I Suddenly Remember 19 1966-68 
Icons 60 no date 
Imagination, Monastic 13 1960-61Transcribed
Imperatives 19 1966-68 
In Time With the World 16 1965Transcribed
Inscriptions to Be Scribbled on Brick Walls 13 1960-61Transcribed
Instruction, Talks of 21 1966 
Ionesco 14 1964 
Irenaeus, St (2x) 16 1965Transcribed
Irish Monks 48 no date 
Irish Poetry Notes 14 1964 
Isaac of Nineveh 24 1966-67 
Isaac of Stella 29 1967 
Isaac of Stella 49 no date 
Ishi 24 1966-67 
Islam (2x) 46 1960-61 
Japanese Philosophical Thought 55 no dateTranscribed
Jarry, Eugène, et al., Au seuil de la théologie 5248-491962?Transcribed
Jarvis? 34 1968 
Jas., D. ? 20 1966-68 
Jerome, St. 50 no dateTranscribed
Jerome, St. 52251962?Transcribed
Jesus Is a Nigger 28 1967 
John Chrysostom, St. 50 no dateTranscribed
John the Solitary 55 no dateTranscribed
Joyce, James 37 1968 
Joyce, James 43 1968? 
Judgement of All Nations 13 1960-61Transcribed
Junayd of Baghdad (Al Junayd) 5242-431962?Transcribed
Jung, C. G. 09 1955 
Jung, C. G., The Secret of the Golden Flower 5215-221962?Transcribed
Justin Pomerius ? 57 no date 
Kafka, Franz 28 1967 
Karpov, A 60 no date 
Kierkegaard, Søren, 1813-1855, The Sickness unto Death 5233-341962?Transcribed
King Solomon 14 1964 
King, Jr, Martin L. 19 1968 
Kipling, Rudyard 13 1960-61Transcribed
Koans, Zen 5221962?Transcribed
Kovalenkov, Alexander 61 no date 
Küng, Hans, 1928-, Council, Reform and Reunion 5236-371962?Transcribed
Lamas 56 no datePartly Trans.
Language 34 1968 
Lauternari (?) 29 1967 
Law, William, 1686-1761 52401962?Transcribed
Lawrence, (D.h.) ? 34 1968 
Leclercq, Jean, O.S.B. 58 no datePartly Trans.
Les Dix Vierges (Lowell) 19 1966-68 
Letter to a Liberal 11 1963Partly Trans.
Life Against Death 11 1963Partly Trans.
Life of Renee ? 19 1966-68 
Liturgical Reforms 19 1966-68 
Lossky, Vladimir 60 no date 
Love (Bonhoeffer) 16 1965Transcribed
Lowell, Robert 19 1966-68 
Maedoc 14 1964 
Magerates (?), Regina 57 no date 
Magistrate Spoke 37 1968 
Man & the Incarnation (Irenaeus) 16 1965Transcribed
Man and Idea / Development of Human Consciousness (H. Read) 16 1965Transcribed
Man As a Whole (Irenaeus) 16 1965Transcribed
Man in the Modern World (Fyodorov) 16 1965Transcribed
Man the Master 14 1964 
Man, Philosophy of 13 1960-61Transcribed
Man, Renewal of 19 1966-68 
March to August, 1967 (2x) 28 1967 
Marcuse 35 1968 
Maritain, Jacques 19 1966-68 
Maritain, Jacques 52271962?Transcribed
Maritain, Raissa (2x) 19 1966-68 
Martin Luther King, Jr., for 19 1966-68 
Martine, Dom (?) 58 no datePartly Trans.
Marx, K 13 1960-61Transcribed
Marxism 13 1960-61Transcribed
Mass Lists 20 1966-68 
Mc Luhan, M 34 1968 
Meaning, War & the Crisis of (2x) 28 1967 
Medicine 28 1967 
Meditations, Buddhist 22 1966 
Meerloo (?) 29 1967 
Melircle (?) 25 1966-67Transcribed
Messenger 46 1960-61 
Miller, Henry 26 1967 
Mirfler (?) 16 1965Transcribed
Monastic: Ancient Rites 58 no datePartly Trans.
Monastic: Formation 14 1964 
Monastic: Imagination 13 1960-61Transcribed
Monastic: Obedience 13 1960-61Transcribed
Monastic: Problems 14 1964 
Monastic: Readings Et Alii 29 1967 
Monastic: Renewal 32 1967-68 
Monastic: Spirituality, (Chrysostom) 50 no dateTranscribed
Monastica 29 1967 
Monasticism: Celtic 24 1966-67 
Monasticism: Celtic, Primitive 18 1966-67 
Monasticism: German 29 1967 
Monasticism: Gregory of Nyssa 50 no date 
Monasticism: New 55 no dateTranscribed
Monasticism: Primitive in Gaul 57 no date 
Monasticism: Twentieth Century 29 1967 
Monks: In the World 19 1968 
Monks: Irish 48 no date 
More, Getrude Osb 47 no dateTranscribed
Mousewrap (2x) 19 1966-68 
Mumford, Lewis 61 no date 
Mumford, Lewis (2x) 13 1960-61Transcribed
Muslim Angel of Death 46 1960-61 
Muslim Society (?) 46 1960-61 
Muslim Spirituality 46 1960-61 
My Place in the World (Bonhoeffer) 16 1965Transcribed
Mystical Theology 46 1960-61 
Mysticism 20 1966-68 
Mysticism, Zen & 55 no dateTranscribed
Narcissism 09 1955 
Nash, Z 34 1968 
Nassack (?) 34 1968 
Neuros, Psych Theory 09 1955 
New Monasticism 55 no dateTranscribed
Newsmatch Invention 33 1967 
Nicholas of Cusa 56 no datePartly Trans.
Niebuhr, R 09 1955 
Niebuhr, R 13 1960-61Transcribed
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900 52351962?Transcribed
No Room at the Inn 16 1965Transcribed
Non - Arabs 28 1967 
Non-Violence (Gandhi) 09 1955 
Normal Personality 09 1955 
Nostradamus 21 1966 
Obedience, Monastic 13 1960-61Transcribed
O'Brien ? 37 1968 
O'Connor, Flannery 14 1964 
O'Connor, Flannery (2x) 25 1966-67Transcribed
Old Man (Faulkner) 25 1966-67Transcribed
Old Testament Allegorical Readings 24 1966-67 
On Saul 21 1966 
Original Child Bomb (Early Draft) 13 1960-61Transcribed
Ouspensky, Léonid 60 no date 
Paradise in Christian Thought 24 1966-67 
Pascal, B (2x) 32 1967-68 
Pasternak, B (Georgian Poets) 27 1967 
Pasternak, B (Letters) 27 1967 
Patanjali 526-111962?Transcribed
Patriarchs 24 1966-67 
Peace 13 1960-61Transcribed
Peaks & Lamas 56 no datePartly Trans.
Perplexity 28 1967 
Personalism 13 1960-61Transcribed
Peter of Celles 58 no datePartly Trans.
Phaedo 58 no datePartly Trans.
Philos, Materials For 28 1967 
Philosophy of Man 13 1960-61Transcribed
Pieper, J 16 1965Transcribed
Pindar 13 1960-61Transcribed
Pius XII (and Psychotherapy) 09 1955 
Platform Scripture / Platform Sutra 52441962?Transcribed
Po Chi (?) 46 1960-61 
Pound, Ezra 28 1967 
Prayer 32 1967-68 
Presence of the Word 31 1967 
Priest in Crisis 55 no dateTranscribed
Primitive Monasticism in Gaul 57 no date 
Progoff, Ira 22 1966 
Prophecies of Nostradamus 21 1966 
Prophetic Eschatology 24 1966-67 
Prophets 29 1967 
Psychiatric Disorders 09 1955 
Psychoanalysis Today 09 1955 
Psychoanalysis, Existential 11 1963Partly Trans.
Psychoanalytic Theory of Neuros 09 1955 
Psychology 09 1955 
Psychotherapy (Pius XII) 09 1955 
Purusartha 46 1960-61 
Quasimodo (Notes) 13 1960-61Transcribed
Quasimodo (Notes) 46 1960-61 
Racine 38 1968 
Read, H. (Herbert Read?) 16 1965Transcribed
Real Root of Social Alienation 13 1960-61Transcribed
Recluses 53 no date 
Recluses 54 no date 
Recoeur ? 35 1968 
Regula ? S Macarius 57 no date 
Religion: Ancient Greece 56 no datePartly Trans.
Religious Alienation 13 1960-61Transcribed
Religious Concepts 13 1960-61Transcribed
Renewal of Man 19 1966-68 
Renzai ? 24 1966-67 
Rilke, R. M. 16 1965Transcribed
Rites for the Ejection of a Leper 28 1967 
Russell, B 32 1967-68 
Sacraments and Orthodoxy 16 1965Transcribed
Sankara 37 1968 
Schemann (?) 16 1965Transcribed
School of Chartres 51 no date 
Science & Religion 21 1966 
Self in Transformation 16 1965Transcribed
Shakers 56 no datePartly Trans.
Smalley 16 1965Transcribed
Snyder, Gary 19 1966-68 
Soloviev, A 60 no date 
Sophists 13 1960-61Transcribed
Soul (Black) 28 1967 
Spinka, M 60 no date 
Spinka, M 61 no date 
Spiritual Training 18 1966-67 
Standt, J. J. 16 1965Transcribed
Steiner, G. (2x) 34 1968 
Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages 16 1965Transcribed
Styron 34 1968 
Submarines 13 1960-61Transcribed
Sufism 18 1966-67 
Sufism 5242-431962?Transcribed
Sufism (2x) 46 1960-61 
Sunrise to Eternity 16 1965Transcribed
Suzuki, D. T. 20 1966-68 
Syrian Oriental Monasticism 18 1966-67 
Syrian Oriental Monasticism 50 no dateTranscribed
T'an Ching of Hui Neng 52441962?Transcribed
Taoism (Neo-) 58 no datePartly Trans.
Technology, Christ and 24 1966 
Temptations 24 1966 
Tertullian 58 no datePartly Trans.
Theodoret 50 no dateTranscribed
Theological Roots of Non-Violence 56 no datePartly Trans.
Theology of "Light in August" 28 1967 
Theory of Evil 14 1964 
Theory of Festivity 16 1965Transcribed
Theory of Matter 12 1963 
Therapy 09 1955 
Tibetan Mysticism 22 1966 
Tragedy, Greek 13 1960-61Transcribed
Transcendence (H. Read) 16 1965Transcribed
Transfiguration 16 1965Transcribed
Translations From the Chinese (Wesley) 46 1960-61 
Tune for Festive Dances ... 16 1965Transcribed
Understanding of Personalism 13 1960-61Transcribed
Vallejo 45 no date 
Verba Seniorum 61 no date 
Verio (A. K. C.) 46 1960-61 
Viet Nam 34 1968 
Virtues 59 no date 
Vocabulary (Portugese) 44 1968 
Von Balthasar, H. V. 14 1964 
Von Bolt. (?) 18 1966-67 
War 11 1963Partly Trans.
War 28 1967 
Warren, Robt. P. 19 1966-68 
Waters of Siloe 13 1960-61Transcribed
Western Christianity 16 1965Transcribed
Wild ? 16 1965Transcribed
Wilderness (Christian Thought) (2x) 24 1966 
Williams, William Carlos 26 1967 
Williams, William Carlos 27 1967 
Williams, William Carlos 28 1967 
Witness to the Truth (Kierkegaard) 37 1968 
Words of Farewell 29 1967 
Worship (Native Churches) 29 1967 
Yoga 526-131962?Transcribed
Zen 19 1966-68Transcribed
Zen 521-21962?Transcribed
Zen (3x) 55 no dateTranscribed
Zernov, Nikolai 60 no date 
Zimmer, Heinrich Robert, 1890-1943 (Buddhism) 5230-321962?Transcribed

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